Monday, April 20, 2009

[國內活動] 第一屆病患用藥諮詢(PCE)複賽開放參觀!


本次活動將刊登於世界藥學生聯合會(IPSF)電子報世界藥學生聯合會亞太地區辦公室(IPSF-APRO)電子報以及藥師公會全國聯合會發行的藥師週刊上。工作小組北醫藥二陳怡婷、施亦倫同學也將於2009年於印尼主辦之IPSF Congress中發表本次首度在台灣舉辦的PCE成果,並與世界各國的藥學生討論相關活動構想及心得,且最後於11月在埃及舉辦的World health care students’ symposium(WHSS)發表成果。此舉不只將大大提升台灣藥學之專業形象,更能能培養全國藥學生的病患諮詢技巧,最重要的是讓世界各國知道台灣藥學界已發展踏出和國際接軌的一大步,使新一代藥師在藥學領域呈現更專業的一面。


複賽時間於 5/3號的14:30~15:30舉行。地點是在中國醫藥大學的互助五樓。屆時將會提供限量茶點給參觀複賽的同學,大藥盃閉幕典禮時還會抽取20位填寫PCE問卷的幸運兒,每人將得到500元的現金喔!




[國內活動] E-mail from IPSF for 2009 PCE in Taiwan

[E-mail from IPSF] PCE in Taiwan!!!

Thanks to Jennie for helping me inform IPSF of this great event. I am so excited to let every pharmacy students in the world to know about the oncoming PCE in Taiwan. I think it will be a cool thing if we can make the pharmaceutical environment in Taiwan a little better. I have been doing the PCE project for months and sincerely hope this will be an important event hosted every year in the future. I know it will be a hard task but if we don’t try to do it how we can succeed. We must see ourselves as a real pharmacist instead of a technician who can only do the dispensing work!
Chairperson of PSATW pharmacy education

I-Ting Chen

[Original message]
日期:2009年4月10日 上午 9:49
主旨:[0809psa] PCE in Taiwan

Dear all,

I am here to tell all of you a good news from Taiwan!
Taiwanese pharmacy students' PCE will actually run next month!
It will be a great competition since we have PCE booklets for candidates, and we are holding traning for them during this period.
We are so glad to find lots of professors who have Pharm D degress of USA are teaching our students the skill of PCE now.
Also, we will add more information to the original version of Chinese PCE booklet, which wrote by our seniors in 2005 in the cooperation of FIP.

In order to let our students know how are the suitable situation for their competition, chair person of pharmacy education in PSA-Taiwan, Anne, translated 2007 IPSF PCE into Chinese. Now, you can check them in youtube.

Here is the website for this event.

Hsu, Wan-Ting (Jennie)

[Original message from IPSF Chairperson of Public Relations, 2008-09 ]
Date: 2009/4/18 9:52
Subject: RE: [ipsf-cp] PCE in Taiwan

Hi Jennie and all,

This[2009 PCE in Taiwan] is a great work….:)
So you are not only doing PC competition but also training, this sounds great,
Keep us updated…;)
This could be good ideas for better effective PCE all over the world….:)

Mohamed Sultan

Sunday, April 12, 2009

[國際活動] Life Long Learning in Pharmacy - 8th International Conference

Life Long Learning in Pharmacy
8th International Conference
Helsinki, Finland
28th June - 1st July 2009


A Global Learning Journey

This is a reminder that the 8th International Life Long Learning in Pharmacy Conference, will be held in Finland on 28th June – 1 July 2009.

Registration for this conference has now opened on-line at the conference website
Please note – you do not need to “request access” to view the wiki website.

[國內活動] E-mail from the winner of PCE in 2007 IPSF

Dear all,

I, the Vice President and IPSF Contact Person of Pharmaceutical students' association (PSA-Taiwan) of Taiwan, would like to share a good news with you. As you know, the first PCE competition will hold in CMU on 3rd May. I am so glad to tell this information to Victoria Su, who was the champion of PCE at the 53rd IPSF Congress in Taipei. Besides, the Director of Pharmacy Education of PSA-Taiwan, 陳怡婷, actually translated her video of 2007IPSF Congress into chinese. She was joyful for this porject. The following is an email from Victoria Su.

Also, our PCE group has been doing a great job!
Now, I am here to encourage all the candidates and give you a warm reminder that useful video can be found in the youtube. Please kind practice by yourselves.

Especially,thanks for assistance of 資訊長 陳正憲.

Hope all candidates in Taiwanese PCE will have brilliant performances!

The most important, we are so glad to receive full help from our professors and pharmacists. I sincerely appreciate all teachers who involve in this project. I believe that we all look forward to seeing the better future of patient counseling environment in Taiwan.

Thank you so much!

Hsu, Wan-Ting (Jennie)

Hi Jenny, thank you for sending the link to me!

I feel so honoured that your association translated my video. Thank you for choosing it. Hope it'll provide some help to the students who are participating in PCE.

I'm going back to school to do Doctor of Pharmacy in September. I am really excited!

Have a good Easter weekend. Keep in touch.
